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If you're thinking of studying English at one of our partner English schools you must be sure you get the correct visa. Here is some information to get you started.

Short-Term Study Visa




  1. For anyone outside the EU or from Switzerland.

  2. Provide evididence that you can pay for your return journey.   

  3. Provide evidence that you can support youself whist studying and living in the UK.

  4. Provide written permission from your parents or legal guardians if under 18.

  5. Provide evidence of your travel and stay in the UK if under 18. 

  6. Show evidence you have an offer of a place at an educational centre that holds Tier 4 sponsor licence or is accredited by one of the following regulating bodies

    • Accreditation Body for Language Services (ABLS)

    • Accreditation Services for International College (ASIC)

    • Accreditation UK

    • Bridge Schools Inspectorate

    • Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI)

    • British Accreditation Council (BC)

    • Education and Training Inspectorate (Northern Ireland)

    • Estyn (Wales)

    • HM Inspectorate of Education (Scotland)

    • Office for Standards in Educations (OFSTED)

    • Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education 

    • Schools Inspection Service


Do's and Don'ts


  1. You cannot work

  2. You cannot study at a State School

  3. Extend this visa

  4. Bring family members to the UK

  5. Get public funding


Documents you must Provide (Originals only) 


  • Valid passport

  • Banks statements or payslips 6 months backdated as proof you can support yourself - certified by a lawyer if not in English or Welsh

  • Address of where you will stay and travle plans. Do not pay for accommodation until you receive your visa

  • Tubercelosis Test Results if you're from a country that needs to taks such tests. Certified by a lawyer if not in English or Welsh.

  • Contact details of parents or guardians

  • Accpetance letter from the educational establishment on headed paper including course name, duration and cost

  • Previous certificates of study, references, level tests results, transcripts etc

  • Accommodation and travel plans

  • Financial sponsor's occupation details, income, savings, funds that will support your studies if you are not paying yourself. Financial sponsor may be your parent. 


Under 18s Travelling in Schools Groups


The name of the Group Leader should be idetified on your visa. If not, you'll be refused entry into the UK. You can name 2 adults on your visa and travel with at least one of them. The adults should also apply for a visa but separately.


For more information refer to the Governmnet website for more information 


Man overlooking skyline

The Important Stuff !!


In bookings Experience Tourism will require the following documents to send to our partnered Instititues​:


  1. Proof of level - original certificates, reports or references.​​

  2. Written permission from parents or guardians for under 18 year olds

  3. Emergency contact details (next of kin details)

  4. Student's contact details.

  5. Bank statements proving you can support yourself during your time of study in the UK or other such evidence


If you do not know your English level we require you to sit an online test and attend a Skype interview to assess your level.

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